Progress through progressions

Recon Ron Progression
I’ve been loving some progressions in recent weeks – I’m up to 44 GHD sit-ups, this and I’m feeling stronger in the 30s, stuff just like I was feeling stronger in the 20s last week.  Progressions work when the jumps are small and make the expanded work manageable.
We currently have a wall ball progression going, page and the required reps are posted daily on the white board (we’re up to 19).
I’m currently using the Recon Ron Progression for dips.  I tore my pectoral muscle last year doing ring dips, and I’m working on developing my dips to help with muscle ups and all around pressing strength. I started the dip progression on step 1, and I’ll see how far this can take me.
As the progression states, it can be used for any upper body movement.  I recommend starting at Step 1 and building from there, even if you know bigger numbers are possible.  Focus on moving well and being as efficient as possible.  Wire your body for good movement going forward.
I think this progression will work very well for those of you that are developing butterfly pullups.  As “Recon Ron” states – stay below muscle failure.

Sometimes you just have to handstand in front of your college dorm. Please send in your handstand pictures!
Sometimes you just have to handstand in front of your college dorm. Please send in your handstand pictures!

Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Add 5-10# from last session
30 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Chest to Bar Pullups
30 Box Jumps 24/20
10 minute cap

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