Recon Ron Progression
I’ve been loving some progressions in recent weeks – I’m up to 44 GHD sit-ups, this and I’m feeling stronger in the 30s, stuff just like I was feeling stronger in the 20s last week. Progressions work when the jumps are small and make the expanded work manageable.
We currently have a wall ball progression going, page and the required reps are posted daily on the white board (we’re up to 19).
I’m currently using the Recon Ron Progression for dips. I tore my pectoral muscle last year doing ring dips, and I’m working on developing my dips to help with muscle ups and all around pressing strength. I started the dip progression on step 1, and I’ll see how far this can take me.
As the progression states, it can be used for any upper body movement. I recommend starting at Step 1 and building from there, even if you know bigger numbers are possible. Focus on moving well and being as efficient as possible. Wire your body for good movement going forward.
I think this progression will work very well for those of you that are developing butterfly pullups. As “Recon Ron” states – stay below muscle failure.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Add 5-10# from last session
30 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Chest to Bar Pullups
30 Box Jumps 24/20
10 minute cap