How to Cheat at HSPU from the CrossFit Games site.
Every year in the Open, CrossFit will throw something at you that you are not prepared for. Sometimes, it’s many things. The HSPU standard this year was particularly unforgiving. In the last 2 to 3 years, you had maybe 2-3 inches of room for error. This the year the margin closed to an inch or a half and inch. Any widening of the hands, bowing of the back, poor position of the feet, or pushing slightly away from the wall led to missed reps – possibly before you even tried a HSPU. I am proud of how the gym performed. This is a testament to coaches holding the standard, not only for the Open, but during all the handstand training sessions. Were we perfect? No. But if you got no repped, or gave a no rep to your buddy, you did the job.
I hope Alison is beaming as she reads this – she takes the standards VERY seriously. The standards, which are constantly shifting, are there for safety, for consistency and just to make you freakin’ better. So be better. (Last sentence written by Alison)
Workout of the Day
Spend 15 minutes, work up to 70% of 1RM. Focus on being crisp and keeping the bar close.
30 Doubleunders
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Power Cleans 95/65