CrossFit Oakdale Kids & Teens

This week is an OFF week for the CrossFit Oakdale Kids and Teens. We start back up next week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-4:30pm for kids and 4:30pm-5:15pm for teens.  We also work with Charter and Home School programs at Hart Ransom Charter School, Hickman Charter and Connecting Waters.
Are these classes as AWESOME as the adult classes? Possible more fun since we play dodgeball OFTEN. 
A typical Class with CrossFit Oakdale Kids and Teens
What’s the plan? Each class begins with a trip to the whiteboard to see what is in store for our students. Both the kids and teens class follow the same structure. During this time, we have some ice breaker questions that help kids get to know each other better. We also discuss nutrition and healthy choices.
Warm-up – We need to get our blood flowing with some agility movements, stretching and rotations. 
Skill – Time to learn something new. Maybe it’s how to jump higher, pick up objects properly, or even just hanging around on our pull-up rig. All of our skills transfer over to movement we do in everyday life. These skills also teach body awareness – how our core is the powerhouse of our body.
Teen class will learn how to properly use light barbells and dumbbells, focusing on form and technique for all lifts.
WOD (A.K.A. Workout of the Day) – ranging between 5-10 minutes for the kids class and 5-15 for the teens. This faster paced segment will contain some of the movements covered in the warm-up and skill segments.
The kids class ends with a game, further reinforcing the fun we can have with fitness.
Call 209-345-4380 to sign your kids up!

Workout of the Day
Deadlift to Deficit
Build to 75% with a clean grip, standing on a 45# plate.
7 Rounds for Reps of Box Jumps
In 45s seconds perform:
3 Deadlifts 295/190
and then as many  Box Jump Up/Step Down 24/20
Rest 1min 15 sec.