CrossFit has been around for a few years now. In the greater community, this we have seen experts come and go. Some have been great additions to the fold, others didn’t add as much. Sometimes these departures led to drama. CrossFit HQ has never really addressed any of the criticism surrounding events or decisions. There are blogs and site dedicated to ripping CrossFit, and more specifically CrossFit HQ. I’m not going to post these sites: you can find ’em if you want to. While I don’t always agree with CrossFit HQ, you’re not going to find me bashing CrossFit HQ.
If you’re interested, I came across “Pukie” on Facebook. You can “like” Pukie if you want to. “Pukie” takes shots at people criticizing CrossFit, HQ, workouts, whatever. “Pukie” is funny, mean, and pretty perceptive. It seems like “Pukie” is someone very close to the CrossFit HQ inner circle.
Pukie is always up for questions. Dear Pukie anyone...
Feel like you are losing your grip sometimes??? Try these out. Thank you Bob!
Workout of the Day
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats 95/65