Week of July 11, 2016

This is the third week of our current 6 week progression.  Monday is Clean and Jerk complex, buy Tuesday is Back Squat (5 sets of 3), more about Wednesday is a conditioning workout (Deadlift, side effects Toe to Bar and Bar Facing Burpee sprint), Thursday s Snatch work, Friday is Front Squat (followed by a Thruster/Pullup workout – it’s not Fran).
Workout of the Day
1 Clean, 1 Push Press, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Split Jerk
We started last week at 60% of 1RM.  If you did this last week, you may add 5-10 pounds.  If not, use 60% of you Clean and Jerk.
6 KB Snatch Right Hand 53/35
6 KB Snatch Left Hand
48 Doubleunders
12 KB Snatch Right Hand
12 KB Snatch Left Hand
48 Doubleunders
24 KB Snatch Right Hand
24 KB Snatch Left Hand
48 Doubleunders
If you aren’t confident with the KB Snatch, try 1 handed swings to eye level.  If you can’t do DU, do singles 2 for 1.
WOD inspired by a Competition at Ocean State CrossFit this past weekend.