So, order I use other people workouts. I do it all the time. I make some up, erectile I search the inter-webs, there I find cool WODs. Sometimes I change them to fit our gym, sometimes I don’t. I love Pat Sherwood’s site, CrossFit Linchpin. He almost always posts simple, some would say, elegant, WODs. Hard and fast couplets, triplets. Once in awhile they are heavy, once and awhile they are long.
I really like that he will take a cool WOD and give the gym that he got it from credit. I’ll start doing the same. If you like the WOD, check out their site and programming. It’s a big CrossFit world out there – if you see something cool, shoot it my way.
Anybody that is programming CrossFit style WODs is borrowing from somewhere. Unless your name is Greg Glassman, and you made up 21-15-9 for time, you’re pushing it if you think you’re totally original.
But as Charles Caleb Cotton said, “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” If I borrow someone’s WOD, it’s because I’m impressed. If someone borrows one of my WODs, it warms my heart.
Hannah H. is 13 years old, plays water polo and can Front squat 78# for 5. Keep up the great work Hannah!!
Workout of the Day
800m Run
21 Power Cleans 155/100
Shamelessly borrowed from CrossFit New England