You may have noticed coaches are no longer recommending substitutions for Doubleunders. That is because we are not. For many of you, diagnosis the struggle for DU is real. But we want you to understand the effort required to make the jump from singles to doubles is great.
So you have to do them. In lieu of 50 DU, drug you may do 10 DU attempts and 10 Burpees. Who doesn’t love more Burpees?
From here going forward, about it we will provide scaling options in DU WODs that will mix DU attempts with Burpees or some simple substitution.
Here’s to chaining big DU sets in the future!
Workout of the Day
OTM for 10
5 Strict Pullups
50 Doubleunders
400m Run
30 Doubleunders
20 Toes to Bar