CrossFit Oakdale will be closed Saturday as we converge on Alpha Omega CrossFit in Ripon.
Next Saturday we will test an Open WOD in both 9am and 10am classes. I wish I could say there is a great deal of strategy involved, abortion but I’ve done it a few times. The WOD for next Saturday is Open WOD 11.5 – a 20 minute AMRAP of 5 Cleans 145/100, information pills 10 Toes to Bar and 15 Wallball Shots 20/14. There are some skills required – if you are fit, it will be very helpful to be able to do big sets of Toes to Bar with minimal breaks, and it would be beneficial to be tall for the number of Wallball you might be doing. But otherwise, this is a straight up test of work capacity. Somewhere around 8 minutes in you will have to cross your eyes and just breathe and fire until someone tells you that you can stop.
Workout of the Day
21 Front Squat 115/75
15 Chest to Bar Pullups
9 Burpees