Our girl Jen Z is competing in WODapalooza in Miami this weekend. Let’s wish her great luck and do one of the WOD’s that she is doing.
We will do this WOD in both classes. Scale the Pullups as normal. Scale the Handstand Pushups as 5/3 Wall Climbs and adjust the weight on the squat snatch.
At 10am we will do a face melting OTM of alternating box jumps and med ball cleans. That’s right. I said MedBall Cleans. The MBC is much maligned and isn’t a “cool kid” of the CrossFit exercise world, recipe but few movements will build stamina like the MBC.
Workout of the Day
21 Chest to Bar Pullups
15 Handstand Pushups
9 Squat Snatch 155/100