Some T2B love from Carl Paoli

Workout of the Day
“Forearm Fury 2”
1 Hang Snatch 75/45
1 Toe to Bar
2 Hang Snatch
2 Toes to Bar
3 Hang Snatch
3 Toes to Bar
4 Hang Snatch
4 Toes to Bar…
Keep going up by 1.  How far can you go???
Rest 3 minutes, discount then…
With a 7 minute cap
Unbroken DU sets
If you are good at doubleunders, price now is your chance to prove it.  To earn an RX on this WOD, # sale you must do 10 UNBROKEN DU, then 20, then 30 etc.  If you miss, you must start the set over at 0.  This is unforgiving folks.  Your score will be your best unbroken completed set.  No partial scores.
If you don’t have doubleunders, use this 7 minutes to practice.