Hey CFO! 'SUP?

Reminder: CrossFit Oakdale will be closed on Saturday as we’ll be at the Modesto Reservoir (which is an incredibly hard word for me to spell) for our Stand Up Paddle (SUP) event.  We’ll meet at the gym at 8am on Saturday, page and car pool over as there is a charge per car at the reservoir.  We’ll learn how to Paddle and make fun of each other for falling down.  Once we’ve figured it out enough to be dangerous, we’ll do a partner/team WOD involving the Paddleboards.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let Alison know if you plan on attending.
On Sunday, Bill, Vanessa and Justin M will be competing in the Rookie Rumble at Hercules CrossFit.  Alison and I will be heading out to check out the competition and cheer on our athletes.  Again, let us know if you plan on attending.
Jen C is signed up for the Walnut Creek Competition on June 22.  This should be a more technically challenging competition, as they have recommended a male athlete be able to Snatch at least 155 (I would guess ladies should be able to Snatch at least 100).  The first WOD at the last comp I did there was Amanda, muscle up/squat snatch.  Amanda is my favorite WOD because it is the most technically challenging named WOD I can think of.
Looks like a busy week or so, so keep your heads on a swivel!
Oh, and I programmed next weeks benchmark.  It’s gonna be dirty.  Or should I say…filthy?


Workout of the Day
5 Hang Squat Cleans 205/135
25 Pullups
4 Hang Squat Clean
20 Pullups
3 Hang Squat Clean
15 Pullups
2 Hang Squat Clean
10 Pullups
1 Hang Squat Clean
5 Pullups

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