Grace on Wednesday

I found a USAW weightlifting meet at Warriorz CrossFit in Elk Grove, page CA.  I know the owner well (Charlie Zamora) and he does a nice job with this event.  I will be out of town, sickness otherwise I would have attended.  I highly encourage signing up for a weightlifting meet.  It is a great way to test everything you have learned.  It will really force you to focus your training on the lifts.  You will learn a ton about the nuances of the lifts and what top lifters do to prepare to move big weight.  I will talk more about this, stomach but if you have any questions, please ask.
I plan on holding a muscle up clinic soon – maybe the middle of next week.  It will be at 7:30pm.  Post to FB if you are interested.
We had a nice little rope climbing clinic on Saturday – we’ll be holding another 20 minutes class in the next week or two.  Remember, wear the proper gear – long socks, and preferably pants/tights/sweats.  Wear a pair of shoes that can handle using a foot lock.  My Nano’s held up great during a high rep rope climb WOD – I was pleasantly surprised.  The rope will find exposed skin, so protect everything.  I don’t recommend climbing a rope shirtless.  Finally, place a gymnastic mat under the rope for your protection.  If Rich Froning can fall from a rope, so can you.  Be smart and use the pad.
For the next few weeks, Wednesday’s will be benchmark WODs.  I will announce the WODs on Sunday night.  You can plan your week and strategize how to take these tests on, much like the Open.  We did Fran last week – we will be doing “Grace” on Wednesday, 30 Clean and Jerks at 135/95.  It’s a classic CrossFit sprint WOD, the fastest times will earn a spot on the board.  Good times are under 3 minutes, elite times are under 2 minutes.  The fastest times will come from unbroken sets, but I have seen sub 3 minutes Grace with all singles.  For the record, my best Grace is 1:36 in competition.  I hope someone beats it.  I highly encourage you to find videos of great performances and try the techniques and tricks you learn in the benchmark WODs.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Build to a heavy 5 in 20 minutes.
20 Wallball Shots 20/14
20 Pullups
20 Box Jump 24/20

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