How to become a Jedi.

The Importance of “Back” and “Jump/shrug” Vs “Catapult” from 70’s Big.  These are both fairly technical articles on Olympic weightlifting.  Jim Schmitz, physician an Olympic weightlifting coach told me that if you want to get good at the lifts, you must learn, and be able to articulate the tiny nuances and feel of the movements.
I was a “jump/shrug” guy for a long time.  As the articles explain, jumping and shrugging the barbell is an easy way to learn the lifts, but becoming a catapult lifter makes you a Jedi.

Anna during last weeks inverted burpees!

Workout of the Day

30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
30 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Air Squats