Do you Kamanawanalea it on the line? 19.2 will be posted/announced at 5pm tomorrow. Get your guesses in. We had 5 people who earned points for correct guesses last week.

I told everyone I wanted to lay off your legs- I meant in the beginning of the week. If you didn’t like the thrusters, you may not like week 5 of the Open. I will save your legs by making you walk on your hands . Be careful what you wish for.

I like to think Colt is eyeing that island drink.

Workout of the Day


15 Calorie Row

Weighted Farmers Carry 50′ (find 2 of something heavy)

25′ Hand Stand Walk

Sled Push 10M down and back- something heavy

If it raining, do 15/10 pushups instead of the sled push.

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