2 Weeks of Testing

For the next 2 weeks, we will re-test our 1RMs.
On Monday, we will Back Squat, Wednesday is Snatch, and Friday is the Deadlift.  Next week, we will test the Clean and Jerk, Front Squat and the Push Press.
Additionally, we will begin working in some gymnastic skill work, like handstand hold, strict pull-ups and dips.
For the Back Squat, you should have a goal weigh that you know you can hit, and a number you hope to hit.  Testing your one rep max requires some strategy, knowledge of your body, and some luck.  You should plan out your weight jumps.  You want to be strong and warm, but not so tired that you can’t make a max lift.
For the squat, I like a couple of light sets of 3, and as I work to 200 pounds, you go to doubles, and then singles.  I like to focus on perfect positioning and being fast through the squat.
Please review the video.  When you work up to heavy loads, you may miss.  There is one good, very safe way to miss a back squat.
Management Notes:
Due to lack of attendance, we will be putting the evening All Access classes on hold. The morning ones are still available, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:20am-8:55am.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Work to a Heavy Single
5 Burpees
10 Wallball Shots 20/14
15 Doubleunders

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