Please watch the CrossFit Journal article “Why We Get Fat” by Gary Taubes. Taubes is the author of, # 100mg in my opinion, # 60mg the best book on nutrition available, try “Good Calories, Bad Calories” (GCBC). Taubes recently wrote “Why We Get Fat“, which I have not read. GCBC is a science book about nutrition, and he is not selling a diet; merely presenting his hypothesis on the western diet. It identifies what he believes (and so do many CrossFitters) on the mistakes of the science world: the reliance on processed carbohydrates as a food source/reaction to cholesterol and heart disease and more. I believe “Why We Get Fat” presents the same argument as GCBC, but does so in a less science heavy manner, much like Michael Pollan’s books: The Omnivore’s Dilemma and it’s smaller version, In Defense of Food.
Workout of the Day
We will have a short pull-up class. Following the class, work on pull-ups.
For advance athletes, attempt
Weighted Pullup
Use a dumbbell between the ankles, or knees. Or share the one weight belt we have.
21-15-9 rep rounds for time of:
Pullups (C2B for advanced)
Box Jumps 24/20