What's your favorite "underdog" sports movie?

I have a big training event in less than two months.  It’s always fun training for something, # 40mg and for the most part, pills we’re all underdogs in some way.  I’m watching “Warrior” tonight, and I want a steady diet of underdog movies.
Please post your favorite underdog sports movie to the CrossFit Oakdale Facebook page.

New Boxes! We now have 3 16″ boxes  that are totally cool. We will be using these this week. Thanks Bob!

Workout of the Day
Build to a heavy 5.  Men add 10# to last week, ladies add at least 5#.  This is week 3 of 8 to build the 5RM.
For time
50 Doubleunders
10 Burpees to plate
40 Doubleunders
10 Burpees to plate
30 Doubleunders
10 Burpees to plate
20 Doubleunders
10 Burpees to plate
10 Doubleunders
10 Burpees to plate