We hope you have a happy new year! We look forward to training hard with you in 2015.
If you did “Spehar” today, website congrats. That WOD was rough – it was a great way to start training in 2015.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehlRjOT7EMo&w=560&h=315]
For Christmas, CrossFit has placed all the events from 2009-2014 CrossFit Games on it’s Youtube channel. This is the final chipper from the 2009 Games in Aromas. It captures Mikko Salo’s win. It also show how far the sport has evolved in a short time. These are the top guys and they struggle with simple moves like Doubleunders and Toes to Bar. Lots of cool stuff to distract you…
Workout of the Day
Alternating Tabata
8 Rounds for you lowest score
20 Seconds of Deadlift 275/185
Rest 10 Seconds
20 Seconds of Pushups
Rest 10 seconds
With the remaining time in class, build to a heavy single on a
Power Clean