Week of May 28, 2018

*** Wednesday and Thursday – NO 9AM Class***
We had a great shot at Murph on Saturday – now it’s time to really test our strength.  After our six week program, we will try to establish a 3RM on the Back Squat on Monday and Deadlift on Friday.  We will test the Jerk 1RM on Monday and the Bench Press 3RM on Friday.
Unlike the previous six weeks, you do not need to do 3 Cleans to get the bar back to the rack.  Do the lift, re-rack, let your batteries re-charge, and take some risks with your strength.
When I say “risks” I don’t mean do something unsafe.  I mean – you should have an idea of the lifts you can handle, so you should make strategic jumps to get there.  This is not the same as the 5 sets of 3.  I like to get to the 5 sets in about 5 sets, and I use 3s the whole way.  For a 3RM test, I may do some 2’s or even single just to “feel” the heavy weight on my back.  I use this strategy on my medium lifts and up.  I did my last day of the 5×3 at 300 – I would build a strategy to 325.  My lifts may look like – Bar, 3 at 135, 3 at 165, 2 at 185, 2 at 225, 2 at 255, 2 at 285, 1 at 305, and I would go for 325.  That’s 8 sets, 5 of which are getting heavy, to go for that heavy lift.
I suck at testing my 1RM Jerk.  Much like the Snatch, there is a bunch of strategy involved. But there is that magic lift moment  where the bar feels snappy and easy, and then you add 2.5s to each side and it feels impossible.
Keep plugging away, make sure your foot position is on point, and be tight in the middle. 

Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Build to a heavy set of 3
Push/Split Jerk
Build to a heavy lift overhead

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