Coming off the 5×5 Back Squat, we will take the opportunity to test our…2 Rep Max. Testing the 1RM Back Squat is tough – getting your body ready to go with a maximal weight on your back, for only 1 rep is a tough mental challenge. It’s kind of like hitting a softball, it’s easy, and it’s just floating down to you, but if you swing and miss you feel like a jerk. Yes, I’ve bought my fair share of beers for striking out in softball.
Butch Curry was member of the ’80 Olympic Weightlifting and during a seminar he told me he never has his athletes test 1RM on the back squat. He explained that getting the body organized is tough, so he would always test the 2RM. If you make the first, and miss the second, chances are you just moved something pretty heavy, maybe even a 1RM.
This week, Squat on Monday, Clean and Jerk Complex on Wednesday and Snatch Complex on Friday.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
In 20 minutes, build to a heavy double on the Back Squat
Reverse Tabata
Thrusters 95/65
8 Rounds, 10 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Burpees
8 Rounds, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest
Score is total number of reps completed