Looking for a fun Team Competition? CrossFit Quake is hosting a Rep Your Gym event. $130 for a 2 person team – must be same sex. The event is on February 18th. More info can be found HERE. Training for this will be great training for the Open…just saying.
If have a partner but are not sure what level to compete at check out the following:
Power clean, for sale 135/95
Power snatch, about it 115/75
Shoulder to overhead, 135/95
Toes to Bar
Overhead Squats, 115/75
Double Unders
Thrusters, 115/75
Burpee box jumps
C2B pullups
WallBalls, 20/14
Power clean, 115/75
Power snatch, 95/65
Shoulder to overhead, 115/75
Toes to Bar
Front Squats, 95/65
Double Unders (w/single option)
Thrusters, 95/65
Burpee box jumps
WallBalls, 20/14
Power clean, 95/65
Power snatch, 75/55
Shoulder to overhead, 95/65
Knee raises
Front Squats, 75/55
Double Unders (w/single option)
Thrusters, 75/55
Burpee box jumps
Jumping C2B pullups
WallBalls, 14/10
Workout of the Day
25 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
25 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
25 min cap