The Relay For Life Challenge!

Battling It Out for Cancer
CrossFit Oakdale will be hosting an on-going fundraise as part of our participation in the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.
To capitalize upon the competitive spirit at CrossFit Oakdale, we are offering an opportunity for you to challenge any one of your fellow gym members to a CrossFit duel. Think “meet me at the O.K. Corral” meets burpees and barbells.
For $10 you can challenge anyone of your choosing to a workout or test of skill drawn from a “hopper”. The individual selected for the duel can agree to the workout free of charge or meet the challenger’s $10 to escape the challenge. Members may also buy immunity for $30, in which case they would be protected from being challenged. And the final twist…for a mere $50 any member may choose to pit one member against another (both of their choosing) to watch a gladiator style fight to the finish!
Throwdown times will be every Saturday between the 9am and 10am class. There is a calendar over the couch with boxes highlighted where at anytime you are welcome to pay the price and pick your victims. LOL. For those people who are on the Relay for Life team – If you win the challenge, the $$ will go directly to your fundraising efforts and not just to the team. 
All members are encouraged to participate. All WODs in the “hopper” are scalable to any experience level. If you are participating in the Open, you should be doing these – Our Challenge is YOUR warmup.
IMG_5517 Paul hit 210# on the Snatch Monday!  Another CFO athlete joins the club!  Who is next???
Workout of the Day
Front Squat
3 sets of 5
70% of 1RM across the 5 sets.
Run 400m
50 Squats