I came across this article today – you might have too if you “like” Breaking Muscle on Facebook. You may do pushups on your knees, visit you may not. It doesn’t have to just be about the pushup. It can be about pushing yourself in general. If we are constantly pushing up to just before our limits we can’t extend, # 40mg increase or get better at things we are doing, in the gym or life in general.
Or it could just be about pushups for you. In that case, we will be starting a pushup challenge – looking to increase the number of unbroken, good form pushups. We will be using a 6 week pushup plan. There will be a $10 buy in and cash prize for the most improved as well as the largest set of unbroken pushups. The core stability that will be gained through this specific challenge will carry over to almost EVERYTHING we do.
Sign up sheet will be on the front desk and the challenge will start with a test on July 6th or 7th (whatever day you can make it into the gym.) The 6 week program will start July 8th and go until August 18th. Final testing will be August 19th and 20th. Winners will be announced on the 21st of August.
Workout of the Day
Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 4
Snatch Balance
4 sets of 2, 70% of 1RM Snatch is target. But this will be dictated by your ability to Overhead Squat with confidence.
Front Squat
5 sets of 3, 75% of 1RM Front Squat is target for all 5 sets
5 Cleans 155/100
10 Box Jump and Overs 24/20