On Saturday we held the Festivus Games at CrossFit Oakdale. We made some amazing new friends from CrossFit KBC in Fresno. They were a fun and athletic group and we hope to compete with them again in the future. (USE coupon code apple for $5 off registration until 5/31)
Congrats to our first timers Steve and Terri, who not only competed but did so as a married couple…that adds a level of intensity to the proceedings. They made it through and were well behaved on the third place podium. Thanks to Joe for agreeing to compete with Wendy for her birthday on Saturday, putting them in 2nd place on the podium.
June and Don, first time teammates, took first place. June has stood on plenty of podiums, and will be competing this weekend in the CrossFit Games Masters Online Qualifier. Don, who has been doing CrossFit for nearly 10 years, has never stood on the top of the podium until Saturday. HUGE Congrats to Uncle Don, a true CrossFit warrior,
This was Jordan’s first competition, with BFF Jill. Jordan pushed her so hard, she had to kick her shoes off for the jump rope workout. The “Jordan owes Jill beer” score is still growing on the wall, but we might erase a few for all of the effort he put in. They took second in the DT WOD.
Maegan and Austin, partners in life and in exercise, took third in the DT WOD. We look forward to seeing them team up in the future.
Lizzy’s new jump rope proved successful in the Thruster/Box Jump/ Double Under WOD, coming in 5th place with her partner Denny.
Tim and his partner, Helena, came in 2nd in the Thruster/Box Jump/ Double Under WOD AND completed the most burpees in the final – 102 in 7 minutes. Talk about teamwork.
Bryce and Amie took second in what was considerably the hardest workout of the day. Planking whilst your partner completed a chipper can be daunting, but their preparation was a thing to marvel. They might have done the WOD’s more than any other team in the Festivus realm.
This was Maggie and Jo’s first competition at CrossFit Oakdale. They are new to CrossFit Oakdale, and have brought a lot of fun to our classes. they had their best performance on the Thruster Box Jump workout. We can’t wait to see them compete at Franniversary! We should probably tell them what that is:)
All in all, after many a discussion, we are so proud of all of our athletes. Not like parents who don’t want to pick a favorite, but we took pride in their quality of movement and the way everyone responded to the challenges of the day.
New to the judging scene was Scott, McKenna, Victoria, Melissa K, and Alex. They were decisive in their new roles. Will C. and Josh kept thing moving smoothly as out pit crew. Tricia, Glo, Toni, Christine, Maggie, Marci, Michele, and Brad B. are not new to the judging/volunteering scene. Thank you all so much! It couldn’t be done without you all.
And last but not least, the voice of the event. Big thanks to Brian for emceeing – if you enjoyed his witty repartee, just wait until Summer Slam.

Workout of the Day
Back Squat
5×3 at 67.5% of 1RM
5 Wallball Shots 20/14
5 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
10 WallBall Shots
10 Kettlebell Swings
15 WallBall Shots
15 Kettlebell Swings
20 WallBall Shots
20 Kettlebell Swings
25 WallBall Shots
25 Kettlebell Swings
Think about the kettlebell challenge starting May 1st as you swing away:)