CrossFit Oakdale will be closed on Saturday for the competition at CrossFit Alpha Omega in Ripon on Saturday. We have a bunch of athletes competing. Good luck to all – use this week to train hard and test out your prep for the Open. If you are taking a bunch of rest this week to get ready for a local comp – you’re doing it wrong. They have announced some good WODs – it should be no tougher than a normal Saturday of training. Continue to train hard and get ready for the Open.
This week, see we have Front Squat on Monday, order Deadlift on Tuesday and Snatch on Wednesday. On Thursday, check we have a WOD that is Open-y. Friday is a sweet little Triplet of FS, C2B and Burpees. Ok – enough with the hints.
We will be holding our Eat Well, Live Better Challenge meeting at 6:30pm on Thursday night. The nutrition plan will be the Archevore Diet. Ready, Set, Google it!
Turquoise with neon green stitching
purple with pink stitching
Pink with black stitching
Orange with black stitching
red with black stitching
Black with black stitching
Workout of the Day
Front Squat, Max Effort
In 20 minutes, build to a max effort Front Squat
Beast Builder, V2
This is 8 total minutes, 8 Hand Squat Cleans and 1 Shoulder to Overhead in Minute 1. You know the drill by now. If you go up in weight, make a small jump, because there are 16 reps added to the first version of BB.
6 Power Clean 135/95
2 Wall Cimb
8 Minute cap