Summer Slam is here again! It is comprised of basic CrossFit movements: things you would see in the Open. It’s an excellent format for beginners and advanced athletes. If you are new to CrossFit and looking to get better at competing, you will be very familiar with the Thruster, Pullup, Deadlift, Burpee and Squat Clean and Jerk. If you are and advanced athlete, you know these movements and you will know how to squeeze every bit of efficient and effort into each workout.
You have about 6 weeks to focus on training. Summer Slam will be comprised of 3 fast, sprint style workouts. The workouts will reward strong athletes that go hard and plow forward into the pain cave. The format will be very – VERY – similar to the 2008 CrossFit Games. If you were to go to YouTube, and type in Mikko Salo “Sisu” you can even see what you will be doing at Summer Slam.
For the Scaled divisions, we will provide challenging versions of the RX workouts. Everyone that shows up will have an opportunity to “pay the man.”
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