Summer Entertainment

Just a reminder that there are no classes tomorrow – come and visit us at the Oakdale High School Soccer Field for Relay For Life. You can spin the WOD Wheel…all up to fate…and work out with us there.
Our next upcoming event is Regionals! Memorial Day weekend in Santa Rosa. Let us know what days you can make it. Also- we are ordering special commemorative  t-shirts. This is a one time only deal – so let me know if you want to order. You can check them out on Facebook.
There are a few things I would like to throw out for Summer Events. We did rafting and Modesto Nuts last year. They were a ton of fun. Thinking Stand Up Paddle Boarding, clinic Modesto Nuts game, troche field trip to a Trampoline gym…other ideas are greatly welcome. Looking to find out if during the week is better, or Saturdays vs. Sundays.