Stay Back!

Nick Z. had me do this drill the other day.  This was a “lightbulb” moment.  As we get better at the lifts, troche pulling back on the barbell is huge for finishing you lifts.  But, you need to pull back HARD!  We’ll be reviewing this.
I love the last 30 seconds of the video – Coach emphasizes the importance of picking up the bar the same EVERYTIME!  He calls it a wasted rep.  Hell yeah Coach!  If you are going to practice the push press, even with a dowel, execute a perfect clean.  Have the discipline to do it right every time.
Practice Does Not Make Perfect from Freddy C at One World.  If a coach has ever told you you are pressing out you Snatch, read this twice!
Workout of the Day
5 Deadlift 225/155
10 Pushups
15 Walking Lunge Steps