Skills Clinic on Saturday at 8:30am

CrossFit Oakdale will be holding a Skills clinic on this coming Saturday.  We will begin at 8:30am and run until 10am.  This is YOUR chance to work on skills CrossFit/basic gymnastic related skills.  The topics will be: Doubleunders, # 40mg Hanging Movements (pull-ups and toes to bar), and Pressing Movements (Handstand stuff).  This will be a great opportunity to get some one on one coaching, and slow down to get  abetter understanding of the movements.
We are on week 7 of 8 on the Deadlift.  We will begin a Back Squat 5RM progression on Wednesday.  We will begin a Pressing cycle next week.
I have added a minute to the Beast Builder – that means 10 total reps each minute.  Be smart on the weight you use, as this will likely be no joke.

Planning session at CFO HQ. This is where the magic happens.
Planning session at CFO HQ. This is where the magic happens.

Workout of the Day
Beast Builder, Version 3
OTM for 9
Minute 1: 9 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Shoulder to Overhead
Minute 2: 8 Hang Squat Clean, 2 Shoulder to Overhead…
Clean go down by 1, Overheads go up by 1, until
Minute 9: 1 Hang Squat Clean, 9 Shoulder to Overhead
50 Bar Facing Burpees
50 Clean and Jerks 135/95