Saturday's Hero WOD

This Saturday is the Hero WOD with Maggie Snyder. You can check out the Facebook page dedicated to what she is undertaking. Big thanks to Lowell for hooking us up with friend and fellow US Army service member, pharm Maggie Snyder, page who will be coming to WOD with us on Saturday. In May of 2014 she decided to complete all 131 Hero WOD’s in one year, more about donating $10 to the Wounded Warrior Project each time. Minimum donation will be $10. The box is set up on the desk – if you can’t make it, but would like to donate it would be much appreciated. If you have friends from other gyms or anyone else who would like to participate, please bring them along!
Also, Maggie will be bringing limited t-shirts for sale for $20…Bring your cash! All CFO items purchased will have 15% donated to the cause.
On Saturday, October 25th, we will be having a kids WOD, starting at 8:30am. We are asking for a $5 donation per child to participate. Movement will be body weight for those under 10. WOD will start promptly at 8:30am so please arrive around 8:15am.
Saturday will be at 9am only. Please let us know if you are coming so we can have a heads up. All movements can be scaled as well as capped based on need.
Saturday’s Hero WOD
20 L Pull-ups
30 Toes to Bar
40 Burpees
Run 800m

Ready to jump!
Ready to jump!

Workout of the Day
20 Overhead Squats 75/45
30 Pushups
40 Box Jumps 24/20
20 minute cap
With the remaining time in class, perform a heavy Overhead Squat