Row, Row, Row Your Boat

This will be a transition/de-load week in preparation of the CrossFit Lift Off.  The goal is to hit our best possible Snatch and Clean and Jerk on Saturday.  That means being smart this week, cure and keeping the body ready, but not overly taxing the Central Nervous System.

Monday we will hit the Clean Grip Deadlift to hammer home the perfect set up position and keeping the bar close.

Wednesday will be a Snatch day, accompanied by a Snatch WOD.

Tuesday and Thursday will conditioning WODs.

We have at least 1 team for the Row-a-Thon in Walnut Creek on Nov 21 (Alison, Sara, Thomas and I).  Each team needs 2 guys and 2 girls.  Come on and pull for Ericlee!

So proud of this lady! She was so excited when she lifted more than her age! Keep it up Michele!
So proud of this lady! She was so excited when she lifted more than her age! Keep it up Michele!

Workout of the Day


Clean Grip Deficit Deadlift

5 sets of 2

Use 60-70% of your Clean


10 Doubleunders

5 Toes to Bar

20 Doubleunders

10 Toes to Bar

30 Doubleunders

15 Toes to Bar

40 Doubleunders

20 Toes to Bar

50 Doubleunders

25 Toes to Bar

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