Reasons to do the Open

The CrossFit Games Open is on it’s way!  This is our “season.”  There are lots of reasons to participate – and I can’t think of many reasons not to sign up.
If you are interested in competing, price the Open is the first step to really testing yourself.  Wanna know what you’re good at? Wanna know what you can spend sometime improving?  The Open will show you.
If you are interested in competing, # the Open is probably the easier way to do it – it will be similar to a challenging WOD.  No signups at 7am, symptoms no waiting around for WODs.  Just doing a hard workout in your home gym.
The Open is a great time to assess your fitness and test goals.  You will be challenged to get to the next tier on certain WODs – get to that heavy barbell, get your muscle up, earn the right to do another round of Fran.
I hope everyone participates with the goal of contributing a score to CFO’s Open standing – the top 3 men’s and women’s scores will be calculated to our overall score each week.  Prove your fitness and help CFO earn a spot in the California Super Regional!
Maybe the most fun, do the Open so you can see what T-shirt Big Man Bob is wearing.
***Baseline WOD and Measurements on Saturday February 14th at 8:30am****
Workout of the Day
Deadlift, 1.1.1, Week 6 of 8
Take 20 minutes build to a heavy set of 3 quick singles. Use 8-9 sets to get to your target weight.  If possible, add 5-10# to last weeks effort.
Buy in – 100 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
In the remaining time, perform as many rounds and reps as possible of
3/2 Wall Climbs
15 Box Jumps 24/20