Thursday’s work out has no lifting or any other skills associated with it – Chest to bar Pullups and Doubleunders. It’s a version of Open 17.5 – the idea is to do the C2B in a big of sets as possible, but quickly. If you do 9 straight, but stand around waiting to go, maybe try 5-4 or 3-3-3, but be quick on and off the bar.
If you have doubleunders, do them. If you don’t, do 20 hop overs on the hurdles. Force the big jumps, as opposed to the little singles.
For pullup, scaling options: 1. 5 C2B – this is if you have C2B, but 90 over the workout is a stretch. 2. 9 Pullups – this is of you don’t have more than a couple of C2B. 3. 5 Pullups – this is if you have pullups, but 90 over the workout is a stretch. 4. 9 Heavy KBS – this means pink/blue folks.
Workout of the Day
10 RFT
9 Chest to Bar Pullups
35 Doubleunders