I wanted tot talk briefly about the Pull Up/Dip OTM we have been doing. The idea behind this is to develop strict pulling if you have been kipping away for years (like I have). The other idea is to systematically attack the weakness of the dip portion (or the catch position) of the Muscle Up. Generally, prostate ladies struggle with the Dip, link so I only ask that ladies do 3, pills compared to guys doing 6.
For everyone, make this work for you. If 3 dips is not enough, do 4 or 5 or 6. If you are smoking through the 6 pull ups or dips, focus on moving slowly through the movements, using tempo – like explode up, and lower yourself on a 3 or 4 count. Personally, I have been doing strict Chest to Bar in each session.
If you are doing all the work, this is 36 dips and pull-ups. I have absolutely noticed soreness in my chest in the days following theses session. The sustained Dip position is tough on the shoulders and chesticles. Make sure you are mobilizing the chest and aiding your recovery.
Basic Upper Body Mobility
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ9Z4PX_hF8&w=560&h=315]
Workout of the Day
Pull/Push OTM 12
Even – 6 Pullups (Strict)
Odd – 6/3 Dips (Bar or Ring)
Against an 8 minute clock
150 Doubleunders (or 3 minutes of attempts)
Max Wallball Shots 20/14 in the remaining time