Please watch "Killing The Fat Man"

As a competitive CrossFitter, price it can be easy to get caught up in fast times and big numbers.  But we don’t want to forget that CrossFit, order at it’s best, decease can change people’s lives.
Killing The Fat Man is a series by CrossFit’s documentarian Sevan Matossian. I hadn’t watched it, probably because I was busy watching CrossFit Games videos.  But watching this series made me laugh, cry and more.  THIS is why we put ourselves through these harrowing workouts.  In the beginning it changes our bodies.  If we allow it, it can change lives.

Warming up at the Modesto Nuts Game. Awesome Athlete Appreciation Night. If you couldn’t make it, stay tuned for the next one!

Workout of the Day
Weighted Pushup
15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Overhead Walking Lunge 25/15 (Approx 50ft)
15/10 Pushups