Phase 2

On Monday, we begin our second 3 week phase of our current strength cycle.  Everything is basically the same, except the percentages will go up by 5%.
One difference, for Monday at least, is we will do the conditioning first – before the strength work.  I know – dogs and cats, living together – mass hysteria!
Not really.  We want to knock out this Master’s Qualifier WOD (and let June hit it as fresh and as strong as possible).  Basically, you move from the loaded bar for the shoulder to overheads to loading for the deadlifts.  Your back should be pretty warm from the pull-ups.
About the conditioning workout – it’s beautiful.  It seems very possible to go unbroken, or at the very least broken into very few sets.  Scaling should be simple.  Lower the weight to something that is challenging but doable for the overheads.  For the Chest to Bar, regular pull-ups are an option – as are banded, body pulls or even kettlebell swings.  The main idea is to make intensity as high as possible.  There will be a 10 minute cap, but I’m sure that close to 2 minutes is possible on this one.
Workout of the Day
Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
Chest to Bar Pullups
10 minute cap
5 sets of 3, 80% of 1RM

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