*** Class schedule is back to normal – but the 5:30am is going to be the coolest this week ***
Friday night’s events will be WOD’n in the USA. That is the right way to send off the elf proclaimed “Most American Man in Modesto.”
Workout will be at 5pm and it will be some partner fun. Bring your own or we will match you up. If you bring your own, feel free to wear a patrioticAF outfit. BYOB and maybe a dessert to share. We will provide the rest!
Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Jerk – Push or Split
Recommended jumps are 10# for guys 5# for the ladies.
Partner WOD work/rest
1 Dumbbell Front Rack Thruster 50/35
1 Kettlebell Swing 50/35
When the clock begins, Partner A will complete 1 thruster & 1 swing. Partner A will rest while Partner B completes 1 thruster and 1 swing. Partner A then does 2 thrusters 2 swings…going up by 1 each round.