Please be aware we are going through a parking lot overhaul. Please park on the street by TL Davis and walk up to the gym for the time being. Extra fitness.
I had programmed a parking lot run as part of Thursday’s workout but I have made an adjustment…let’s pull the boxes back out.
As for equipment – if you check the equipment list for the Open, the last remaining times are a barbell with standard weights and a bar for common kipping movements…thrusters and pullups?
Get your guesses in – WOD is announced tomorrow at 12pm PST. If you won’t be in the gym in the morning, text your guess to 209-345-4380.
Current Standings – (individual points have been added to the team boards)
Team Mando – 290 Points
Cirque du Sore Legs – 260 Points
Mom Jeans & Power Cleans – 227 Points

Workout of the Day
EMOM 8 45s work/15s rest
Row for Calories
Rest 2 Minutes
EMOM 8 45s work/15s rest
Box Step Ups 20 inches 50/35
Rest 2 Minutes
EMOM 8 45s work/15s rest
DB Push Press 50/35 (switch at 10)