Over your head.

This is a little bit different of a strength session. I recommend going as heavy as possible on the shoulder press. It may happen that you maintain that weight throughout the entire session.  Like some of the other sessions, post your best press, push press and jerk. This isn’t a great 1RM session. But it is excellent to work on technique and stamina in the shoulders. Depending on your weaknesses, use the split during the jerk portion. 
Saturday morning’s WOD and Party for Sarah  will be at 10am. Don’t forget to bring your drinks, snacks/desserts to share. It is a Aloha themed party – means “hello” and goodbye.” We might be in a bit of denial. EVERYONE is welcome to workout and party. If you are not a worker-outer just come for the party!

Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Push Jerk (or split)
30 Double Unders
10 Cal Row