We’re grown ups, symptoms so we’ll let you guys open your Christmas presents early. We’ll even tell you what it is (some of you got one at the Christmas party). It’s a lacrosse ball, # approved sometimes known as a “painball.” The only difference – yours has a sweet CrossFit Oakdale stamp on it. We’ll be handing them out this week so make sure you get a “painball.”
So, how do you use your brand new toy? Basically, you jam into into areas that hurt, apply pressure, and move it around. Bookmark Kelly Starrett’s Mobilitywod, and watch videos. Learn. Geeking out on mobility will pay huge dividends in your fitness. The painball acts like a scalpel to target painful or inflamed areas, especially if you are experiencing tendonitis or other aches and pains. Review the mobility posters we have hanging in the gym, many of the movements call for a lacrosse ball. Anyone tried the psoas smash? Painball plus kettle bell on your sensitive tummy? Holy smoking cows that hurts! But the truth shall set you free!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmGgYuMWf1A?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
Here’s an excellent video on shoulder mobility using just a lacrosse, or pain ball. There may be a free t-shirt to anyone that make a CrossFit Oakdale bruise from mobility work. Have fun trying!
Workout of the Day
Max Effort Monday
2 Hang Cleans plus 1 Jerk
50 Doubleunders
7 Burpees to 6″ Beyond Reach (2012 Open Standard)
50 Doubleunders
14 Burpees
50 Doubleunders
21 Burpees…
Keep going up on burpees by 7