The Open is over! If you competed and tried your best, no rx congratulations! If you helped in any capacity, prostate judged, cheered on an athlete, tried one of the WODs, or participated in any way, great job! We hope you play next year!
I will do more analysis of the Open over the coming week when all the scores are in. But I will say this – this was the hardest Open ever. Skill wise, and to a certain degree, weight wise, it was the most challenging. I do feel like we were prepared in every way – except for rowing for calories. But that ain’t that hard and now we have 4 rowers – and they all work. Kind of – don’t ask Denny or Tricia about wonky rowers on 15.5. It just ain’t funny.
Stand by for more rowing WODs.
I am convinced the Open will continue to get more demanding – and I want us to be prepared – more fit than ever. That means getting stronger, lifting heavy, working on skills, but most of all training hard with each other and having fun.
Workout of the Day
Clean and Jerk
Max Effort – take the time to warm up, and if it feels good, go for a PR.
Run TL Davis for time