On Burpee-ing

I made slight adjustment to the Snatch work this week – it’s a skill work session, but work on a piece that is a weakness – pause above or below the knee.
I made this adjustment, but I chose not to make an adjustment to the Burpees.  Because the barbell was already on the floor, I wanted to work in some of the Bar Facing variety.  But like the row, after 2 weeks, you should have a good idea of the numbers you are hitting.  I got 98 in the first week, then 104 last week.  I know exactly what I need to do to get there, so I have a great target each time.  I challenge you to do the same.  Really grind to beat your last effort.
Workout of the Day
Pause Snatch
Build to a heavy single in 15 minutes.  This is not a ton of time.  Pause for a 2 count in the area of the knee – above or below.
OTM 30
30 second work/30 second rest
1-10: Row for Calories
11-20: Overhead Squat 75/55
21-30: Burpees