CrossFit Games Analysis
This site was called to my attention last year. I wish I would have book marked it. Real statistical analysis of athletes, sale events, ampoule and scoring! Anders uses math to identify trends and to predict future movements and weights that may come up.
It’s interesting that the Snatch plays so prominently, huh? In the first 3 years of the CrossFit Games, the Deadlift was the primary lift tested (’07, ’08 and ’09). Each competition had events that rewarded great Deadlifters. We’ve seen the Deadlift de-emphasized (it wasn’t tested in the Open and barely tested at Regionals) while the Snatch was tested in Opens, Regionals and the Games in multiple ways. The Snatch was barely tested in the ’09 Games, but it has crept up as the primary lift tested in competitions. Did you every watch the video of James Khalipa blowing up on “Amanda” in the ’10 Games? Better get good at Snatching. Light, heavy, overhead squatting, you name it. The Snatch will be tested often. That’s because it requires precision, accuracy, athleticism, timing, balance, power and more. And it’s relatively safe – you either make the lift or you miss it. Unlike the Deadlift, where you can pull on that thing forever, turning your back into a pretzel.
Now, I still think CFHQ will curve ball us, and we’ll see the Deadlift again, but the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk are not going anywhere. That’s because they’re safe and effective movements that happen to be easy to score.
Strong, Determined and Beautiful
Workout of the Day
Build to a heavy single in 10 minutes. You will need to work quickly. I recommend using the first 1-3 minutes of bar movement, 3-7 minutes weighted work, and 7-10 minutes try heavy attempts – probably no more than 3.
Snatch Balance
Build to a heavy single in 10 minutes. Work from the rack. Once again, you will need to work quickly. BUT – no more than 5 heavy attempts.
75 Kettlebell Swings
100 Double Unders
50 Kettlebell Swings
75 Double Unders
25 Kettlebell Swings
50 Double Unders
Use the heaviest KB possible that allows for a PERFECTLY VERTICAL overhead position.
Subs for DU are: 30 attempts, 20 attempts, 10 attempts