Starting Monday we will begin a new strength cycle. It will last 9 weeks. We will focus on the deadlift, bench press and back squat. There will be 3 sessions: a 5 sets of 3 day, a 3 sets of 8 day and a max rep set day. This is very similar to “The Cube.” Previously, we would perform the same lift on a given day – like Monday was deadlift day. This cycle, Monday’s will be heavy day, Wednesday’s will be muscle endurance day, and Friday will be max rep set day. This week, it will be Deadlift, bench and squat.
For each lifting session, you will be most successful if you have a plan for your warm up lifts. If you are strong, be close to the weights.
Tuesday and Thursday will be conditioning workouts. I have some mashups of the this years Open workouts that I am looking forward to tearing through. Like today’s conditioning workout.
Tuesday, I have a version of 17.1 with DB Snatch and Wallballs. Good luck with all that.
Workout of the Day
5 sets of 3
Take 10-12 minutes to get warm to 75% of 1RM. Then do 5 sets of 3 at that weight. Take 90-120 seconds rest between sets.
9 Chest to Bar Pullups
35 Doubleunders
If you complete 10 rounds, stop and record your time.