Memorial Day – Kevin's Climb

On Monday, site CrossFit Oakdale will have 2 classes – at 9am and 10am.  For both times, pills we are asking for a $10 donation to the Kevin’s Climb documentary project.  If you should like to do the WOD and purchase a t-shirt, it’s $25.  If you would just like to pick up a cool t-shirt for a good cause, it’s $20.
The WOD is long, but scalable.  You can lower the weight or scale the pullups.  You can sub rowing or air dyne for the runs.

CFO's Memorial Day WOD is dedicated to Kevin Ebbert, who served on SEAL Team 4.  Kevin was killed in action on November 24, 2012 in Afghanistan.
CFO’s Memorial Day WOD is dedicated to Kevin Ebbert, who served on SEAL Team 4 with my brother. Kevin was killed in action on November 24, 2012 in Afghanistan.

Workout of the Day
“Kevin’s Climb”
400m run
2 Front Squat, 2 Push Jerk, 2 Pullups
4 Front Squat, 4 Push Jerk, 4 Pullups
6 Front Squat, 6 Push Jerk, 6 Pullups
8 Front Squat, 8 Push Jerk, 8 Pullups
10 Front Squat, 10 Push Jerk, 10 Pullups
Men – 95, Ladies – 65
Perform this cycle as many times a possible in 30 minutes.