Lurong Retest

Random, information pills non fitness related content ahead.
Enemies Within is a piece of journalism about the place I worked before I moved out here.  I wasn’t there for the events of the book, advice but I was there in the years preceding it, # 100mg and I know many of the people discussed, some very well.  I don’t know how often a book gets written about the place you worked, so I’m reading it.  Beyond the reporting, the authors raise some civil liberties questions and are very critical of law enforcement.  Let me know if you read it.
We are re-testing the first WOD of the Lurong challenge.  Please review the standards – if you are doing the challenge, you must do the same level as your first attempt.
Other than focusing an fast transitions, especially as the reps decrease. I don’t have any advice for this one.  It is a war on your legs and lungs.  If you are fast, go fast and hang on.  Any form of box jump is allowed, from step ups to rabbit style jumps.  I say again, step ups are allowed.  I would much rather see you stepping up than bashing your shin.
Workout of the Day
Lurong WOD 8 (retest)
Wallball Shot 20/14
Deadlift 115/75
Box Jump 24/20
18 minute cap