How to Live Wisely from the Education Life section of the new York Times. If you have children, order these are some excellent questions for them (and you) to think about as they pursue a career and hopefully, a happy life. I was trying, and failing, to ask these questions to my 7th grader the other night. I hadn’t read this article, so I wasn’t able to articulate my questions very well. Asking your child to define their values (or defining your own values) and asking if what they (or you) are doing is in line with those values seems like a valuable practice.
I was going to program the CrossFit Total today. But right before the Summer Slam, I wasn’t sure the participation would be as high. And the more people that are lifting heavy and hitting PR’s, the better. We’ll save the CFT until the end of NEXT cycle. For Friday, it may not be the CFT, but we will Back Squat heavy.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
In 25 minutes, build to a heavy single. If you have a PR in your sights, go for it!
10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
30 Doubleunders