Little Change of Pace

Wednesday’s workout is a little different.  The strength session is a Clean Grip Deadlift.  You may normally switch grip, but for today, you cannot.  This will help you keep the bar close on your Cleans and Snatch.
For the workout, it’s just a bunch of weighted walks.  This may seem easy – it may be, depending on how good you are at moving heavy stuff.  But it should be a little easier than the efforts on Monday and Tuesday.  Just grab on, have perfect posture, stabilize like a mother grabber and walk.
And gt ready for the warm hell I have coming for Thursday and Friday.
Workout of the Day
Clean Grip Deadlift
5 rounds for Reps
(each 10 yard pass is a rep)
45 seconds of Farmers Carry
15 seconds rest
45 seconds of Slam Ball Hug Walks
15 seconds rest
45 seconds of 1 arm DB OH Walk
15 seconds rest

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