Wait a Second or Two from CJ Martin of CrossFit Invictus. CJ is one of the most sought after CrossFit coaches in the world, more about having coached winners of the CrossFit Games as an Individual (Camille) and as a Team. On top of that, # CJ has coached athletes to podiums and tons of Games appearances.
That’s all great, but what does that mean for the “regular” CrossFit athlete? Well, when CJ writes an article like this, it means a lot. CJ focuses on the main 3 issues he sees for athletes, and prescribes a fix for each one. Currently, we are working on 1 and 2 every week. The pause Squat is self explanatory – pause in a the bottom of a squat to fix position. We are working on that early hip pull by pulling off plates during our Deadlift sessions – this will translate to all pulling from the ground.
Finally, if a coach has you pause in your catch during a Clean session, be aware that you might be doing a “jumping jack” Clean. An easy way to fix this is to always ask, Can I squat this clean? If not, fix your foot position so you can.

Workout of the Day
Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 4
4 Heavy sets of
2 Power Snatch
2 Hang Snatch
2 Overhead Squats
Take 10 minutes or so to get warm, then work 4 heavy sets of this complex. For the Hang Snatch, squat or power is fine. The goal is to complete this complex as an unbroken set, but if you drop, just quickly pick it up and go again. 60% is a good starting point. If it’s sloppy, lower the weight. If you were happy with the weight last week, add 5#. But don’t feel like you have too – we are looking for quality, not quantity on the bar. Rest approximately 2 minutes between working sets.
8 Power Snatch 75/55
8 Box Jumps and Over 24/20
12 minute cap