Holiday Weekend!

Labor Day Weekend is coming up! Last long weekend of the summer so go and celebrate! No Open Gym on Sunday and Monday will be 9am only. Hydrate through the weekend to get ready for the Holiday WOD on Monday. It will be a doozy.
On Thursday’s workout – if you think you can do more than 75 pull-ups, you should do chest to bar pull-ups. If you think you can do more than 60 chest to bar pull-ups you should do muscle-ups. It you think you can do 16 sit-ups in 20 seconds, you can ask a coach to use the GHD.

Workout of the Day
Tabata Pullups
8 Rounds 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest.
Rest one Minute
Tabata Pushups
Rest One Minute
Tabata Situps
Rest One Minute
Tabata Squats
Score will be total repetitions – NOT tabata scoring.

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